...it would be scary awesome.—
Dear Google:You had me at G-mail.
From the moment you unchained me from the shackles of my workplace's inferior web-based e-mail program, I was smitten. But once I unlocked the mysteries of the Google Group, I knew I was in love, and I've been telling the world — well, OK... only the select few deserving of you.
Only the best for my Google.
I know you must love me, too: You give and you give, like a benevolent crack dealer handing out the first few hits for free.
Blogger. Picasa. Google Reader.
You love me. I know you love me. ... Don't you love me?
My friend says she wouldn't be surprised if you were seeing
ESRI on the side, working to provide us all with a traffic-free commute into work. That would be just like you, delivering the impossible labeled with simple multi-colored typography.
I have no choice but to assume you're cheating on me. Your blog says "Hello new delectable Google enhancements," but your refusal to be exclusive says "Good-bye whacko."
But I don't care. I love you anyway.
I love your willingness to let me carry around the baggage of 1,000+ unarchived e-mails without judging me. I love the way you keep track of all my favorite blogs so I don't miss anything, and the way you save my own blog writings on an invisible layer until I'm ready to let them stand on their own.
But your love is not for me alone. I know that now. You must fulfill your destiny. ESRI is your true love, and together you will obliterate the human race. I love you too much to stand in your way. How can I stay mad at you?
I love you.
P.S. - Do you still want me to test out that Google Terminator BETA program I downloaded from you all those months ago? I can. I will. I want to.
(I still love you.)
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