Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy October!

Geez. I guess I took September off — from this blog, anyway. What a slacker I am.

OK, not really.

Check out my other blogs — here, here and here — and other various postings — mainly here and here — if you don't believe me. Also, I've been throwing myself into a family project that's been needing a little more attention than I've been able to give it in recent months. The example below, in case you couldn't tell, is my family tree. Just a first draft. I just have to bust out the crayons, and that baby will polish up real nice.

Yeeeah. OK. Maybe it'll take a little more work than that.

Anyway, I need to get back to the writing as well, so hopefully there will be a post or two in the near future. But not tonight. This has been merely a fly-by smattering of notes, topped off with a barely legible ... sketch? Hmmm... probably more of a wandering outline. And it's not even the whole enchilada — you didn't see MY name in there, did you? Don't look. You'll just get a headache.

Instead, lose yourself in the meandering jungle of names in forest green ink... like one of those 3-D pictures that looked like nothing unless you had about a half hour to kill. Or maybe just move on to the next post.

Thanks for playing.